Collective Voice
Stories by Us and for Us
Critical Consciousness As A Tool To Decolonise Philanthropy
Writing from a decolonial feminist perspective, Oluwatobiloba reflects in this article on current practices within the philanthropic sector and the role of critical consciousness in the discourse on decolonial philanthropy.
Engaging the Concept of Women’s Interests: What Does It Mean and Who Defines It?
This article highlights the need for a shift in mindset in how society homogenizes women and centralizes the issues that affect them as if they are one and the same.
Perceptions of Feminism in the Digital Space: Why is Feminism Negatively Perceived in an Increasingly Digital World?
Feminism which is simply the belief in the equality of sexes and a movement for the advancement of women’s rights has been subject to different perceptions. How does a movement with a clear and equality-focused tenet become subject to different perceptions?
The Makings of Revolutionary Hope: A Feminist, pan-African Anthology on Disrupting Colonial Legacies in Africa.
To be radically alive is to be hopeful — but to hope, one must acknowledge, interrogate and dream. Even though coloniality continues to shape Africa’s
Weaving Liberatory Actions: Reflections from the #ShiftThePower Global Summit
The GFCF #ShiftThePower global summit took place at the Agora Center in Bogota in December 2023. The global summit served as a platform for creating
Call for Contributors- The Makings of Revolutionary Hope Anthology
Liberation Alliance Africa invites you to contribute to The Makings of Revolutionary Hope: A feminist, pan-African anthology on disrupting colonial Legacies in Africa.
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