To be radically alive is to be hopeful — but to hope, one must acknowledge, interrogate and dream. Even though coloniality continues to shape Africa’s systems and structures, while the global north continues to thrive on the inferiorisation of how we learn and live, we are doubling down on revolutionary hope.
In April of 2023, we started a five-part Disrupting Colonial Legacies in Africa series to interrogate the impact of colonial legacies in Africa. We explored colonial legacies of leadership, climate justice, economic justice, philanthropy, and education in Africa, which brought to the fore the importance of holding space for the imaginations of a decolonial, feminist Africa.
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The Makings of Revolutionary Hope anthology is a collection of our reflections, feelings, hopes, and dreams inspired by the conversations from the Disrupting Colonial Legacies series.
In the anthology, we adopt a storytelling approach to create the afro- futuristic city of Leluji. This city embodies feminist principles of interconnectedness, collaborative wisdom, and empathy in leadership and how that manifests in the education landscape, the leadership structure, the wealth distribution system, and knowledge transfer.
We humanise this imaginative exploration through the lives of three friends whose ancestry goes back to ancient times in Africa and whose individual identity is birthed and held in their sense of sisterhood, friendship, and community.
Infused with poems, essays, and artwork from African feminists, the anthology enriches the tapestry of our liberated dreams and revolutionary hope.
Download the anthology here.